Source code for diagnnose.activations.selection_funcs

from functools import reduce
from typing import Iterable, List

from import Example
from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizer

from diagnnose.typedefs.activations import SelectionFunc

[docs]def return_all(_w_idx: int, _item: Example) -> bool: """ Always returns True for every token. """ return True
[docs]def final_token(sen_column: str = "sen") -> SelectionFunc: """Only returns the final token of a sentence. Wrapper allows a different ``sen_column`` to be set, that indicates the ``sen`` attribute of a corpus item that is being processed. """ def selection_func(w_idx: int, item: Example) -> bool: sen = getattr(item, sen_column) return w_idx == (len(sen) - 1) return selection_func
[docs]def final_sen_token(w_idx: int, item: Example) -> bool: """ Only returns the final token of a sentence. """ sen = getattr(item, "sen") return w_idx == (len(sen) - 1)
[docs]def only_mask_token(mask_token: str, sen_column: str = "sen") -> SelectionFunc: def selection_func(w_idx: int, item: Example) -> bool: sen = getattr(item, sen_column) return sen[w_idx] == mask_token return selection_func
[docs]def no_special_tokens( tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer, sen_column: str = "sen" ) -> SelectionFunc: def selection_func(w_idx: int, item: Example) -> bool: sen = getattr(item, sen_column) try: return sen[w_idx] not in tokenizer.all_special_tokens except IndexError: raise return selection_func
[docs]def first_n(n: int) -> SelectionFunc: """Wrapper that creates a selection_func that only returns True for the first `n` items of a corpus. """ def selection_func(_w_idx: int, item: Example) -> bool: return item.sen_idx < n return selection_func
[docs]def nth_token(n: int) -> SelectionFunc: """Wrapper that creates a selection_func that only returns True for the `n^{th}` token of a sentence. """ def selection_func(w_idx: int, _item: Example) -> bool: return w_idx == n return selection_func
[docs]def in_sen_ids(sen_ids: List[int]) -> SelectionFunc: """Wrapper that creates a selection_func that only returns True for a `sen_id` if it is part of the provided list of `sen_ids`. """ def selection_func(_w_idx: int, item: Example) -> bool: return item.sen_idx in sen_ids return selection_func
# Higher-order boolean selection_func logic
[docs]def intersection(selection_funcs: Iterable[SelectionFunc]) -> SelectionFunc: """ Returns the intersection of an iterable of selection_funcs. """ def selection_func(w_idx: int, item: Example) -> bool: return reduce( lambda out, func: out and func(w_idx, item), selection_funcs, True ) return selection_func
[docs]def union(selection_funcs: Iterable[SelectionFunc]) -> SelectionFunc: """ Returns the union of an iterable of selection_funcs. """ def selection_func(w_idx: int, item: Example) -> bool: return reduce( lambda out, func: out or func(w_idx, item), selection_funcs, False ) return selection_func
[docs]def negate(selection_func: SelectionFunc) -> SelectionFunc: """ Returns the negation of a selection_func. """ def neg_selection_func(w_idx: int, item: Example) -> bool: return not selection_func(w_idx, item) return neg_selection_func