Source code for diagnnose.config.config_dict

import json
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from datetime import datetime
from functools import reduce
from pprint import pprint
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from diagnnose.utils.misc import merge_dicts

from .arg_descriptions import arg_descriptions

# group -> arg_name -> value
ConfigDict = Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]

[docs]def create_config_dict() -> ConfigDict: """Sets up the configuration for extraction. Config can be provided from a json file or the commandline. Values in the json file can be overwritten by providing them from the commandline. Will raise an error if a required argument is not provided in either the json file or as a commandline arg. Commandline args should be provided as dot-separated values, where the first dot indicates the arg group the arg belongs to. For example, setting the ``state_dict`` of a ``model`` can be done with the flag ``--model.state_dict state_dict``. Returns ------- config_dict : ConfigDict Dictionary mapping each arg group to their config values. """ arg_parser = _create_arg_parser() args, unk_args = arg_parser.parse_known_args() cmd_args = vars(args) # Load arguments from config init_config_dict: ConfigDict = {} if cmd_args["config"] is not None: with open(cmd_args.pop("config")) as f: init_config_dict.update(json.load(f)) _add_unk_args(cmd_args, unk_args) config_dict = _add_cmd_args(init_config_dict, cmd_args) _cast_activation_names(config_dict) _set_tokenizer(config_dict) print("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")) pprint(config_dict) return config_dict
def _create_arg_parser() -> ArgumentParser: parser = ArgumentParser() # create group to load config from a file from_config = parser.add_argument_group( "From config file", "Provide full experiment setup via config json file." ) from_config.add_argument( "-c", "--config", help="Path to json file containing extraction config." ) # create group to provide info via commandline arguments # Required args are not set to be required here as they can come from --config from_cmd = parser.add_argument_group( "From commandline", "Specify experiment setup via commandline arguments. " "Can be combined with the json config, in which case these" " cmd arguments overwrite the config args.", ) for group, group_args in arg_descriptions.items(): for arg, arg_config in group_args.items(): arg = f"{group}.{arg}" if arg_config.get("type", str) == bool: action = ( "store_false" if arg_config.get("default", False) else "store_true" ) from_cmd.add_argument( f"--{arg}", action=action, help=arg_config["help"], default=None ) else: from_cmd.add_argument( f"--{arg}", nargs=arg_config.get("nargs", None), type=arg_config.get("type", str), help=arg_config["help"], ) return parser def _add_unk_args(cmd_args: Dict[str, Any], unk_args: List[str]): """ Add arguments that are not part of the default arg structure """ unk_args = [x.split() for x in " ".join(unk_args).split("--") if len(x) > 0] for arg in unk_args: key = arg[0] val = arg[1] if len(arg) == 2 else arg[1:] cmd_args[key] = val def _add_cmd_args(config_dict: ConfigDict, cmd_args: Dict[str, Any]) -> ConfigDict: """ Update provided config values with cmd args. """ cdm_arg_dicts: List[ConfigDict] = [] for arg, val in cmd_args.items(): if val is not None: cmd_arg_keys = arg.split(".")[::-1] cmd_arg_dict = val for key in cmd_arg_keys: cmd_arg_dict = {key: cmd_arg_dict} cdm_arg_dicts.append(cmd_arg_dict) if len(cdm_arg_dicts) > 0: return reduce(merge_dicts, (config_dict, *cdm_arg_dicts)) return config_dict def _cast_activation_names(config_dict: ConfigDict) -> None: """Casts activation names tobthe tuple format that is used throughout the library. """ # Translate activation names to tuple format that is used in the library for group, group_config in config_dict.items(): if "activation_names" in group_config: activation_names = group_config["activation_names"] assert all( isinstance(a_name, list) and isinstance(a_name[0], int) and isinstance(a_name[1], str) for a_name in activation_names ), "Incorrect format for activation names, should be [[layer, name]]." config_dict[group]["activation_names"] = list(map(tuple, activation_names)) def _set_tokenizer(config_dict: ConfigDict) -> None: """ Set tokenizer name manually for Huggingface models. """ if ( "transformer_type" in config_dict.get("model", {}) and "tokenizer" not in config_dict ): config_dict["tokenizer"] = {"path": config_dict["model"]["transformer_type"]} if "cache_dir" in config_dict["model"]: config_dict["tokenizer"]["cache_dir"] = config_dict["model"]["cache_dir"]