Source code for diagnnose.extract.extractor

from contextlib import ExitStack
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union

import torch
from import Batch
from tqdm import tqdm

import diagnnose.activations.selection_funcs as selection_funcs
from diagnnose.activations import ActivationReader, ActivationWriter
from diagnnose.activations.selection_funcs import return_all
from diagnnose.corpus import Corpus, create_iterator
from diagnnose.typedefs.activations import (

    from diagnnose.models import LanguageModel


[docs]class Extractor: """Extracts all intermediate activations of a LM from a corpus. Only activations that are provided in activation_names will be stored in a pickle file. Each activation is written to its own file. Parameters ---------- model : LanguageModel Language model that inherits from LanguageModel. corpus : Corpus Corpus containing sentences to be extracted. activation_names : List[tuple[int, str]], optional List of (layer, activation_name) tuples. If not provided all activation_names corresponding to the ``model`` will be extracted. activations_dir : str, optional Directory to which activations will be written. If not provided the `extract()` method will only return the activations without writing them to disk. selection_func : Union[SelectionFunc, str] Function which determines if activations for a token should be extracted or not. Can also be provided as a string, indicating the method name of one of the default selection_funcs in :py:mod:`diagnnose.activations.selection_funcs`. batch_size : int, optional Amount of sentences processed per forward step. Higher batch size increases extraction speed, but should be done accordingly to the amount of available RAM. Defaults to 1. """ def __init__( self, model: "LanguageModel", corpus: Corpus, activation_names: Optional[ActivationNames] = None, activations_dir: Optional[str] = None, selection_func: Union[SelectionFunc, str] = return_all, batch_size: int = BATCH_SIZE, ) -> None: self.model = model self.corpus = corpus self.activation_names = activation_names or model.activation_names() if isinstance(selection_func, str): self.selection_func: SelectionFunc = getattr( selection_funcs, selection_func ) else: self.selection_func: SelectionFunc = selection_func self.batch_size = batch_size self.activation_ranges = [] self.set_activation_ranges() if activations_dir is None: self.activation_writer: Optional[ActivationWriter] = None else: self.activation_writer = ActivationWriter(activations_dir)
[docs] def extract(self) -> ActivationReader: """Extracts embeddings from a corpus. Uses :class:`contextlib.ExitStack` to write to multiple files simultaneously. Returns ------- activation_reader : ActivationReader After extraction an activation_reader is returned that provides direct access to the extracted activations. """ print(f"\nStarting extraction of {len(self.corpus)} sentences...") if self.activation_writer is not None: with ExitStack() as stack: self.activation_writer.create_output_files(stack, self.activation_names) self._extract_corpus(dump=True) self.activation_writer.dump_meta_info( self.activation_ranges, self.selection_func ) activation_reader = ActivationReader( activations_dir=self.activation_writer.activations_dir, activation_names=self.activation_names, ) else: corpus_activations = self._extract_corpus(dump=False) activation_reader = ActivationReader( activation_dict=corpus_activations, activation_names=self.activation_names, activation_ranges=self.activation_ranges, selection_func=self.selection_func, ) n_extracted = self.activation_ranges[-1][-1] print(f"Extraction finished, {n_extracted} activations have been extracted.") return activation_reader
def _extract_corpus(self, dump: bool = True) -> ActivationDict: tot_extracted = self.activation_ranges[-1][1] corpus_activations: ActivationDict = self._init_activation_dict( tot_extracted, dump=dump ) corpus = self._filter_corpus() iterator = create_iterator( corpus, batch_size=self.batch_size, device=self.model.device ) for batch in tqdm(iterator, unit="batch"): batch_activations = self._extract_batch(batch) if dump: self.activation_writer.dump_activations(batch_activations) else: # Insert extracted batch activations into full corpus activations dict. batch_start = self.activation_ranges[batch.sen_idx[0]][0] batch_stop = self.activation_ranges[batch.sen_idx[-1]][1] for a_name, activations in batch_activations.items(): corpus_activations[a_name][batch_start:batch_stop] = activations return corpus_activations def _filter_corpus(self) -> Corpus: """ Skip items for which selection_func yields 0 activations. """ sen_ids = [ idx for idx, (start, stop) in enumerate(self.activation_ranges) if start != stop ] if len(sen_ids) != len(self.corpus): return self.corpus.slice(sen_ids) return self.corpus def _extract_batch(self, batch: Batch) -> ActivationDict: """Processes the items in `batch` and selects the activations that should should be extracted according to selection_func. """ sens, sen_lens = getattr(batch, self.corpus.sen_column) compute_out = any("out" in a_name for a_name in self.activation_names) kwargs = {} if getattr(self.model, "compute_pseudo_ll", False): kwargs["mask_idx"] = self.corpus.tokenizer.mask_token_id kwargs["selection_func"] = self.selection_func kwargs["batch"] = batch with torch.no_grad(): # a_name -> batch_size x max_sen_len x nhid all_activations: ActivationDict = self.model( input_ids=sens, input_lengths=sen_lens, compute_out=compute_out, only_return_top_embs=False, **kwargs, ) # a_name -> n_items_in_batch x nhid batch_activations = self._select_activations(all_activations, batch) return batch_activations def _select_activations( self, all_activations: ActivationDict, batch: Batch, ) -> ActivationDict: """ Selects only the activations that pass selection_func. """ batch_start = self.activation_ranges[batch.sen_idx[0]][0] batch_end = self.activation_ranges[batch.sen_idx[-1]][1] n_items_in_batch = batch_end - batch_start batch_activations: ActivationDict = self._init_activation_dict(n_items_in_batch) a_idx = 0 for b_idx, sen_idx in enumerate(batch.sen_idx): item = self.corpus[sen_idx] sen_len = len(getattr(item, self.corpus.sen_column)) for w_idx in range(sen_len): if self.selection_func(w_idx, item): for a_name in batch_activations: selected_activation = all_activations[a_name][b_idx][w_idx] batch_activations[a_name][a_idx] = selected_activation a_idx += 1 return batch_activations
[docs] def set_activation_ranges(self) -> None: activation_ranges: ActivationRanges = [] tot_extracted = 0 for item in self.corpus: start = tot_extracted sen_len = len(getattr(item, self.corpus.sen_column)) for w_idx in range(sen_len): if self.selection_func(w_idx, item): tot_extracted += 1 activation_ranges.append((start, tot_extracted)) self.activation_ranges = activation_ranges
def _init_activation_dict(self, n_items: int, dump: bool = False) -> ActivationDict: # If activations are dumped we don't keep track of the full activation dictionary, # so an empty dictionary is returned. if dump: return {} corpus_activations = { a_name: torch.zeros( n_items, self.model.nhid(a_name), device=self.model.device ) for a_name in self.activation_names } return corpus_activations