Source code for diagnnose.syntax.tasks.marvin

import glob
import os
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

from import Example, Field

from diagnnose.corpus import Corpus
from diagnnose.typedefs.syntax import SyntaxEvalCorpora
from diagnnose.utils.pickle import load_pickle

from ..task import SyntaxEvalTask

[docs]class MarvinTask(SyntaxEvalTask):
[docs] def initialize( self, path: str, subtasks: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> SyntaxEvalCorpora: """Performs the initialization for the tasks of Marvin & Linzen (2018) Arxiv link: Repo: Parameters ---------- path : str Path to directory containing the Marvin datasets that can be found in the github repo. subtasks : List[str], optional The downstream tasks that will be tested. If not provided this will default to the full set of conditions. Returns ------- corpora : Dict[str, Corpus] Dictionary mapping a subtask to a Corpus. """ subtask_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.pickle")) all_subtasks = [os.path.basename(path).split(".")[0] for path in subtask_paths] subtask_to_path = dict(zip(all_subtasks, subtask_paths)) subtasks: List[str] = subtasks or all_subtasks corpora: SyntaxEvalCorpora = {} for subtask in subtasks: subtask_path = subtask_to_path[subtask] subtask_corpora: Dict[str, Corpus] = self._initialize_subtask( subtask, subtask_path ) corpora[subtask] = subtask_corpora return corpora
def _initialize_subtask(self, subtask: str, subtask_path: str) -> Dict[str, Corpus]: corpus_dict: Dict[str, List[Sequence[str]]] = load_pickle(subtask_path) if "npi" in subtask: header = ["sen", "counter_sen", "token"] tokenize_columns = ["sen", "counter_sen"] else: header = ["sen", "token", "counter_token"] tokenize_columns = ["sen"] fields = Corpus.create_fields( header, tokenize_columns=tokenize_columns, tokenizer=self.tokenizer ) subtask_corpora: Dict[str, Corpus] = {} for condition, sens in corpus_dict.items(): examples = self._create_examples(subtask, sens, fields) corpus = Corpus(examples, fields) subtask_corpora[condition] = corpus return subtask_corpora def _create_examples( self, subtask: str, sens: List[Sequence[str]], fields: List[Tuple[str, Field]] ): if "npi" in subtask: return self._create_npi_examples(sens, fields) return self._create_sva_examples(sens, fields) @staticmethod def _create_sva_examples( sens: List[Sequence[str]], fields: List[Tuple[str, Field]] ) -> List[Example]: examples = [] for s1, s2 in sens: s1, s2 = s1.split(), s2.split() # Locate index of verb as first point where correct and incorrect sentence differ. verb_index = 0 for w1, w2 in zip(s1, s2): if w1 != w2: break verb_index += 1 subsen = s1[:verb_index] verb = s1[verb_index] wrong_verb = s2[verb_index] ex = Example.fromlist([subsen, verb, wrong_verb], fields) examples.append(ex) return examples @staticmethod def _create_npi_examples( sens: List[Sequence[str]], fields: List[Tuple[str, Field]] ) -> List[Example]: examples = [] for s1, s2, _ in sens: s1, s2 = s1.split(), s2.split() npi = "ever" ever_idx = s1.index(npi) sen = " ".join(s1[:ever_idx]) counter_sen = " ".join(s2[:ever_idx]) ex = Example.fromlist([sen, counter_sen, npi], fields) examples.append(ex) return examples