Source code for diagnnose.syntax.tasks.warstadt_preproc

import re
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

# sen_id -> (licensor, scope, npi_present) -> item
ItemCondition = Tuple[int, int, int]
CorpusItem = Dict[ItemCondition, Dict[str, Any]]
CorpusDict = Dict[int, CorpusItem]

ENVS = [

[docs]def preproc_warstadt(path: str) -> CorpusDict: """Reads and preprocesses the NPI corpus of Warstadt et al. (2019). Paper: Data: Parameters ---------- path : str Path to .tsv corpus file. Returns ------- sen_id2items : CorpusDict Dictionary mapping a sen_id to a triplet (licensor, scope, npi_present) to the full corpus item. env2sen_ids : EnvIdDict Dictionary mapping each env type to a list of sen_id's of that type. """ with open(path) as f: lines = [line[:-1].split("\t") for line in f] def preproc(s): return int(s) if s.isnumeric() else s # Separate punctuation from adjacent tokens pattern = re.compile(r"[.,?]") def preproc_sen(s): return pattern.sub(lambda m: f" {}", s).split() # map each line to a dictionary raw_items: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [ { **{k: preproc(v) for k, v in [x.split("=") for x in line[0].split("-")]}, "correct": bool(int(line[1])), "sen": preproc_sen(line[-1]), } for line in lines ] extra_idx = 0 for idx, item in enumerate(raw_items): # Remove apostrophes that wrap the full sentence. if item["sen"][0][0] == '"': item["sen"][0] = item["sen"][0][1:] if item["sen"][-1][-1] == '"': item["sen"][-1] = item["sen"][-1][:-1] sen_id = idx // 8 # There exist only 4 instead of 8 conditions for `simplequestions`. if item["env"] == "simplequestions": extra_idx += idx % 8 == 4 item["sen_id"] = sen_id + extra_idx # Cut multi-word NPIs into pieces. if item["npi_present"] == 1: if item["npi"] in ["atall", "inyears"]: item["npi"] = f"{item['npi'][:2]} {item['npi'][2:]}" sen_id2items = defaultdict(dict) for item in raw_items: sen_id2items[item["sen_id"]][ item["licensor"], item["scope"], item["npi_present"] ] = item return sen_id2items
[docs]def create_downstream_corpus( orig_corpus: Union[str, CorpusDict], output_path: Optional[str] = None, conditions: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int, int]]] = None, envs: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_duplicate_items: bool = False, ) -> List[str]: """Create a new corpus from the original one that contains the subsentences up to the position of the NPI. Parameters ---------- orig_corpus : str | CorpusDict Either the path to the original corpus, or a CorpusDict that has been created using `preproc_warstadt`. output_path : str, optional Path to the output file that will be created in .tsv format. If not provided the corpus won't be written to disk. conditions : List[Tuple[int, int, int]], optional List of corpus item conditions (licensor, scope, npi_present). If not provided the correct NPI cases (1, 1, 1) will be used. envs : List[str], optional List of of licensing environments that should be used. skip_duplicate_items : bool Some corpus items only differ in their post-NPI content, and will lead to equivalent results on a downstream task. Defaults to False. Returns ------- corpus : List[str] List of strings representing each corpus item. Note that the first line of the list contains the .tsv header. """ if envs is None: envs = ENVS if conditions is None: conditions = [(1, 1, 1)] if isinstance(orig_corpus, str): id2items = preproc_warstadt(orig_corpus) else: id2items = orig_corpus sens_seen = set() corpus = [ "\t".join( [ "orig_sen_idx", "condition", "sen", "counter_sen", "token", "full_npi", "env", "labels", ] ) ] for idx, items in id2items.items(): if items[1, 1, 1]["env"] not in envs: continue for condition in conditions: licensor, scope, npi_present = condition item = items[condition] # Flip licensor bool to create an item of the opposite licensing polarity. counter_condition = (int(not licensor), scope, npi_present) counter_item = items[counter_condition] full_npi = item["npi"] # For multi-phrase NPIs (at all, in years) we are interested in the final token true_npi = full_npi.split()[-1] sen = " ".join(item["sen"]) counter_sen = " ".join(counter_item["sen"]) # Index of start of NPI phrase, to which we add the index of the final token start_idx = sen.index(f" {full_npi} ") + 1 npi_idx = start_idx + sen[start_idx:].index(true_npi) start_idx = counter_sen.index(f" {full_npi} ") + 1 counter_npi_idx = start_idx + counter_sen[start_idx:].index(true_npi) monotonicity = "downward" if licensor == 1 else "upward" if sen[:npi_idx] + full_npi in sens_seen and skip_duplicate_items: continue sens_seen.add(sen[:npi_idx] + full_npi) corpus.append( "\t".join( ( str(idx), str(condition), sen[:npi_idx], counter_sen[:counter_npi_idx], true_npi, full_npi, item["env"], monotonicity, ) ) ) if output_path is not None: with open(output_path, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(corpus)) return corpus
if __name__ == "__main__": new_corpus = create_downstream_corpus( "../../../lm_data/corpora/downstream/warstadt/npi_data_all_environments.tsv", output_path="../../../lm_data/corpora/npi/lc_detection_binary_NEW.tsv", conditions=[(1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1)], skip_duplicate_items=True, ) print(len(new_corpus))