Source code for diagnnose.attribute.shapley_tensor

from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from . import utils

[docs]class ShapleyTensor: """A ShapleyTensor wraps a torch Tensor. It allows the tensor to be decomposed into a sum of tensors, that each define the contribution of a feature to the tensor. ShapleyTensors can be passed to any type of torch model. For each operation in the model the intermediate Shapley values are calculated for the list of contributions. This is done using `__torch_function__`, that allows to override tensor operations. Parameters ---------- data : Tensor Input tensor that is decomposed into a sum of contributions. contributions : List[Tensor] List of contributions that should sum up to `data`. shapley_factors : List[Tuple[List[int], int]], optional Shapley factors that are calculated with `calc_shapley_factors`. To prevent unnecessary compute these factors are passed on to subsequent ShapleyTensors. num_samples : int, optional Number of feature permutation samples. Increasing the number of samples will reduce the variance of the approximation. If not provided the exact Shapley values will be computed. validate : bool, optional Toggle to validate at each step whether `contributions` still sums up to `data`. Defaults to False. baseline_partition : int, optional Index of the contribution partition to which the baseline fn(0) will be added. If we do not add this baseline the contributions won't sum up to the full output. Defaults to 0. """ def __init__( self, data: Tensor, contributions: Optional[List[Tensor]] = None, shapley_factors: Optional[List[Tuple[List[int], int]]] = None, num_samples: Optional[int] = None, validate: bool = False, baseline_partition: int = 0, ): if not utils.MONKEY_PATCH_PERFORMED: utils.monkey_patch() utils.MONKEY_PATCH_PERFORMED = True = data self.contributions = contributions or [] self.shapley_factors = shapley_factors self.num_samples = num_samples self.validate = validate self.baseline_partition = baseline_partition self.current_fn: Optional[str] = None self.new_data: Optional[Union[Tensor, Iterable[Tensor]]] = None if ( len(self.contributions) > 0 and shapley_factors is None and num_samples is None ): self.shapley_factors = utils.calc_shapley_factors(self.num_features) def __torch_function__(self, fn, _types, args=(), kwargs=None): self.current_fn = fn.__name__ kwargs = kwargs or {} self.new_data = fn(*map(utils.unwrap, args), **kwargs) new_contributions = self._calc_contributions(fn, *args, **kwargs) return self._pack_output(self.new_data, new_contributions) @property def num_features(self) -> int: return len(self.contributions)
[docs] def size(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Allows a ShapleyTensor to be unpacked directly as: .. code-block:: python data, contributions = shapley_tensor """ yield from [, self.contributions]
def __len__(self): return len( def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any: """ Handles torch methods that are called on a tensor itself, like ``tensor.add(*args)`` or ``tensor.view(*args)``. """ attr = getattr(, item) if isinstance(attr, Callable): def attr_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): torch_fn = getattr(torch, attr.__name__, None) if isinstance(torch_fn, Callable): # Captures function calls like tensor.transpose(*args), and returns them # like torch.transpose(tensor, *args), so the function call can be captured # using __torch_function__. if attr.__name__ == "reshape": return torch_fn(self, args, **kwargs) return torch_fn(self, *args, **kwargs) else: # Captures tensor functions that don't exist as a stand-alone torch method, # such as tensor.view(*args). Applies the same function to all contributions. output = attr(*args, **kwargs) contributions = [ getattr(contribution, item)(*args, **kwargs) for contribution in self.contributions ] return self._pack_output(output, contributions) return attr_wrapper else: return attr def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, ShapleyTensor): data =[] contributions = [[c] for c in index.contributions] self.validate = self.validate or index.validate else: data =[index] contributions = [contribution[index] for contribution in self.contributions] # We return type(self) to allow a subclass that derives from ShapleyTensor to be preserved. tensor_type = type(self) return tensor_type( data, contributions=contributions, shapley_factors=self.shapley_factors, num_samples=self.num_samples, validate=self.validate, baseline_partition=self.baseline_partition, ) def __setitem__(self, index, value):[index] = # We pad the current contributions if the value that is set contains more contributions # than the current ShapleyTensor. if len(self.contributions) < len(value.contributions): extra_contributions = len(value.contributions) - len(self.contributions) for _ in range(extra_contributions): self.contributions.append(torch.zeros_like( for c_idx, contribution in enumerate(self.contributions): contribution[index] = value.contributions[c_idx] def _validate_contributions(self, data, contributions) -> None: """ Asserts whether the contributions sum up to the full tensor. """ diff = (data - sum(contributions)).float() mean_diff = torch.mean(diff) max_diff = torch.max(torch.abs(diff)) if not torch.allclose(data, sum(contributions), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3): warn( f"Contributions don't sum up to the provided tensor, with a mean difference of " f"{mean_diff:.3E} and a max difference of {max_diff:.3E}. " f"Current function is: {self.current_fn}" ) def _pack_output( self, new_data: Union[Tensor, Iterable[Tensor]], new_contributions: Union[List[Tensor], Iterable[List[Tensor]]], ) -> Any: """Packs the output and its corresponding contributions into a new ShapleyTensor. If the output is an iterable (e.g. with a .split operation) the type structure of the output is preserved. """ if isinstance(new_data, torch.Tensor): tensor_type = type(self) if self.validate and len(new_contributions) > 0: self._validate_contributions(new_data, new_contributions) return tensor_type( new_data, contributions=new_contributions, shapley_factors=self.shapley_factors, num_samples=self.num_samples, validate=self.validate, baseline_partition=self.baseline_partition, ) elif self.current_fn == "_pack_padded_sequence": new_contributions = [c[0] for c in new_contributions] return self._pack_output(new_data[0], new_contributions), new_data[1] elif isinstance(new_data, (list, tuple)): iterable_type = type(new_data) if len(new_contributions) == 0: return iterable_type(self._pack_output(item, []) for item in new_data) return iterable_type( self._pack_output(item, new_contributions[idx]) for idx, item in enumerate(new_data) ) return new_data def _calc_contributions(self, fn, *args, **kwargs) -> List[Tensor]: """ Some methods have custom behaviour for how the output is decomposed into a new set of contributions. """ if self.num_features == 0: return [] elif hasattr(self, f"{fn.__name__}_contributions"): fn = getattr(self, f"{fn.__name__}_contributions") return fn(*args, **kwargs) elif fn.__name__ in [ "squeeze", "unsqueeze", "index_select", "_pack_padded_sequence", ]: old_contributions = args[0].contributions return [fn(c, *args[1:], **kwargs) for c in old_contributions] return self._calc_shapley_contributions(fn, *args, **kwargs) def _calc_shapley_contributions(self, fn, *args, **kwargs) -> List[Tensor]: """ Calculates the Shapley decomposition of the current fn. """ assert isinstance( self.new_data, Tensor ), f"Current operation {self.current_fn} is not supported for Shapley calculation" if self.num_samples is None: return utils.calc_exact_shapley_values( fn, self.num_features, self.shapley_factors, self.new_data, self.baseline_partition, *args, **kwargs, ) else: return utils.calc_sample_shapley_values( fn, self.num_features, self.num_samples, self.new_data, self.baseline_partition, *args, **kwargs, )
[docs] def cat_contributions(self, *args, **kwargs): def _pad_contributions(arg: Union[Tensor, ShapleyTensor]): """A non-ShapleyTensor only contributes to the baseline partition, and is padded with 0s. """ if isinstance(arg, ShapleyTensor): return arg.contributions elif isinstance(arg, Tensor): padded_contribution = self.num_features * [torch.zeros_like(arg)] padded_contribution[self.baseline_partition] = arg return padded_contribution else: raise TypeError padded_contributions = [_pad_contributions(tensor) for tensor in args[0]] contributions = [ [contribution[idx] for contribution in padded_contributions], **kwargs ) for idx in range(self.num_features) ] return contributions
[docs] @staticmethod def split_contributions(*args, **kwargs): shapley_tensor, split_size_or_sections = args raw_splits = [ torch.split(contribution, split_size_or_sections, **kwargs) for contribution in shapley_tensor.contributions ] num_splits = len(raw_splits[0]) contributions = [ [split[idx] for split in raw_splits] for idx in range(num_splits) ] return contributions
[docs] def dropout_contributions(self, *args, **kwargs): """In principle dropout should be disabled when calculating Shapley contributions, but we should still take care of it. We determine the dropout mask by looking at the difference between the new output data and the input. """ dropout_mask = self.new_data != args[0].data contributions = args[0].contributions for contribution in contributions: contribution[dropout_mask] = 0.0 return contributions
[docs] def dropout2d_contributions(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.dropout_contributions(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def dropout3d_contributions(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.dropout_contributions(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_contributions(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Non-ShapleyTensors are added to the baseline partition. """ input_, other = args if not isinstance(input_, ShapleyTensor): contributions = other.contributions contributions[self.baseline_partition] += input_ elif not isinstance(other, ShapleyTensor): contributions = input_.contributions contributions[self.baseline_partition] += other else: contributions = [ torch.add(con1, con2, **kwargs) for con1, con2 in zip(input_.contributions, other.contributions) ] return contributions
[docs] def mul_contributions(self, *args, **kwargs): input_, other = args if isinstance(input_, torch.Tensor): contributions = [ torch.mul(input_, contribution, **kwargs) for contribution in other.contributions ] elif isinstance(other, torch.Tensor): contributions = [ torch.mul(contribution, other, **kwargs) for contribution in input_.contributions ] else: contributions = self._calc_shapley_contributions(torch.mul, *args, **kwargs) return contributions
[docs] def matmul_contributions(self, *args, **kwargs): input_, other = args if isinstance(input_, torch.Tensor): contributions = [ torch.matmul(input_, contribution, **kwargs) for contribution in other.contributions ] elif isinstance(other, torch.Tensor): contributions = [ torch.matmul(contribution, other, **kwargs) for contribution in input_.contributions ] else: contributions = self._calc_shapley_contributions( torch.matmul, *args, **kwargs ) return contributions
def __add__(self, other): return torch.add(self, other) def __radd__(self, other): return torch.add(other, self) def __sub__(self, other): return torch.sub(self, other) def __rsub__(self, other): return torch.sub(other, self) def __matmul__(self, other): return torch.matmul(self, other) def __rmatmul__(self, other): return torch.matmul(other, self) def __mul__(self, other): return torch.mul(self, other) def __rmul__(self, other): return torch.mul(other, self) def __pow__(self, other): return torch.pow(self, other) def __div__(self, other): return torch.div(self, other) def __rdiv__(self, other): return torch.div(other, self) def __mod__(self, other): return torch.fmod(self, other) def __truediv__(self, other): return torch.true_divide(self, other) def __floordiv__(self, other): return torch.div(self, other).floor() def __rfloordiv__(self, other): return torch.div(other, self).floor() def __abs__(self): return torch.abs(self) def __and__(self, other): return torch.logical_and(self, other) def __ge__(self, other): return, other) def __gt__(self, other): return, other) def __invert__(self): return torch.logical_not(self) def __le__(self, other): return torch.le(self, other) def __lt__(self, other): return, other) def __ne__(self, other): return, other) def __neg__(self): return torch.neg(self) def __or__(self, other): return torch.logical_or(self, other) def __xor__(self, other): return torch.logical_xor(self, other)